Cucak Green

pictures : cucak green, cucakrowo, cendet/pentet, lovebird, kacerbranjangan, anis flowermagpie stone, anis red, canary

Cucak green has a scientific name Chloropsis sonnerati. He is a large bird with a leaf CICA-full body with a dominant green color. Chloropsis sonnerati Chloropseidae belong to the tribe, closely related to birds cipoh (Aegithina spp.). In English, this bird is known as the Greater Green Leafbird.

Characteristics cucak green male and female :

Cucak green including birds dimorphic, ie there are differences in physical characteristics that can be seen between males and females mature birds. For males, on the chin and throat are black, while females green.

Meanwhile, for the young green cucak / trotolan around age 2-4 months, male and female physical form almost the same, same color as his fur was light green. And there is a yellow color, under the beak to the neck. And it seems, there are no special features that distinguish between males and females.
  • First, going to a male, if still under the age of 4 months of the eyebrow in the second round yellow eyes. If the eyebrows are white, female.

  • Second, the color of the bottom half, when the male dark brown. While the female is white.

Different cucak ijo puppies male and female seen from the outside of the gullet (Photo: Jo_Qplie /
  • Third, if the going is aged over 4-6 months, then the female is yellow at the neck, then will turn into a greenish white color. While the male, yellow color will be filled trotol-trotol black. In the next two months, the black color will appear more clearly on the neck / bottom half. Along with increasing age, black warnua in the lower neck, will continue to close up under his eyes.
How to choose a good cucak green :
  • Androgynous male with a long harmonious posture, big bulging eyes, the shape of the head is larger and moves swiftly.
  • Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big and long.
  • Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a crooked beak. Select the position of the nostrils close as possible to the position of the eye.
  • Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height.
  • Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients.
  • Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
  • Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
  • Diligent sound, this indicates that the bird has a bright prospect.
  • Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.

Food for cucak green :
  • Voer (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced voer will fit every bird's metabolic system cucak green. Voer the complementary nutritional requirements. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
  • Fresh fruit, this bird is very like papaya, banana kepok white, apples, pears, tomatoes and some other fruits. Should multiply the fruit of papaya, because the papaya fruit contains a high vitamin C thereby helping to increase endurance. In addition, papaya fruit is easily digestible and is perfect with an average metabolic systems of fruit-eating birds.
  • EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good are: Crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, caterpillars hongkong, bamboo caterpillars, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.

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