
pictures : cucakrowo, branjangan, anis flower, magpie stone, cendet/pentet, lovebird, kacer, cucak green, anis red, canary

Cucakrowo or cucakrawa is one member of the tribe merbah. Merbah (familia Pycnonotidae) is the warbler tribe of Africa and tropical Asia. These birds mostly have a melodious voice and songs are diverse, often times the forest became quiet by his voice, especially in the mornings and evenings. In English, these birds are known as the bulbuls.

Characteristics cucakrowo/cucakrawa male and female :

Physical Characteristics :

Males: Head rounded, with older colored feathers, it appears there is a kind of feather parts; jaw more white hairs appear clean and bright; backs and wings coat over a gray, black and white stripes more apparent; The tail is longer and fused beak looks stronger and more solid and somewhat shrill thick; black lines under the eyes appear more clearly.

Females: The head is more flat, with lighter-colored fur, and no parts of feathers: Feather jaw more dirty, appear grayish white; black and white stripes are less clear; tail is shorter and a little bit fluffy; Part is more flat and inclined looked more beautiful; black lines under the eyes with a lighter color.

Viewing Behavior and movements :

From the behavior and movements, birds can be seen at once distinguished cucakrawa between males and females. Especially when cucakrawa was benign and his movement have shown there is freedom without fear.

Males: Movement is more aggressive, often jumped, as if challenging and looks bold; jeisnya When you see the opponent as if to seduce and make a move attractive, while if the same type, as if to strike; lot of leg and body movements as if if to lift its tail upward and downward; Head shows peered upward movement with a movement that seems bold and challenging accompanied by loud-pitched whistling call.

Females: Move more slowly and appear smooth; When you see the opposite sex will move their wings a little bit developed. beak open and move my tongue like a child digerak cucakrawa parent who requested fed; he approached a soft voice to voice, lowering her body and the tail slightly lifted upwards; head is often bent or modestly ahead modestly parallel to the spine.

Heard from the voice :

From his voice, the bird can be distinguished cucakrawa sexes, although it is necessary to take time.

Males: More often deliver a dial tone is high, loud and shrill; Many variations of tone and rhythm that is often played; When singing together or in pairs will lead the rhythm of the song.

Females: The voice sounded great and deep, as if he would give answers to the birds singing males; variation is more monotone voice and acted as if only followed; This comparison will be more apparent when the two birds, male and female, were brought near each other sautan bersaut twittering. But there is a female bird that can speak or ropel doble, so in this difficult to choose or decide between males and females.

How to choose a good cucakrowo/cucakrawa :
  • Body posture. Choose a material that berpostur large elongated with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked, short body and small body posture.
  • Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a crooked beak. Select the position of the nostrils close as possible to the position of the eye.
  • Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
  • Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
  • Diligent sound, this indicates that the bird has a bright prospect.
  • Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.

Food for cucakrowo/cucakrawa :

  • Voer (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced Voer will fit every bird's metabolic system Cucak Rowo. Voer the complementary nutritional requirements. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
  • Fresh fruit, this bird very fond of fruit Papaya, Banana kepok White, Apples, Pears, Tomatoes and some other fruits. Should multiply the fruit of Papaya, Papaya fruit because it contains a high vitamin C thereby helping to increase endurance. In addition, Papaya fruit is easily digestible and is perfect with an average metabolic systems of fruit-eating birds.
  • EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good are: Crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, Hongkong caterpillar, caterpillar Bamboo, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.

Download cucakrowo/cucakrawa mp3 :
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