
pictures : canary, cucakrowo, cendet/pentet, lovebird, kacer, cucak green, anis redbranjangan, anis flowermagpie stone 

Canary (serinus Canaria) that there is now a generation offspring of wild walnut (serinus serinus) which can be found to breed freely in the Canary Islands and the mainland part of northeastern Africa.

Canary into a valuable pet birds and soon became popular, especially when the canary yellow varieties, brown and red are created.

Characteristics canary male and female :
  • Since the age of 3 days veins in the stomach will go down next to "vent (vent / anus) and going toward the front of the" vee "which is at the front of the" vent, is seen in male canaries are still young. But these veins will not appear on the female canary. Although these vessels exist throughout male canary, it would be better if the male canary analyze it before it grows hair.
  • At 5-8 days, take all the children walnuts contained in the same nest (one parent) put into the towel and the alignment as the existing position on the horse racing horse racing. That jumps the farthest is the male canary.
  • These birds if the note has a lower center of the long legs while others had 3 feet of the same length. One that has a central long legs would be difficult to join the others and this is a male canary. Female canaries are easier to join his three feet have the same size.
  • Look at the bones behind them. Along the spine male canary color is more rigid and more concentrated. For the female color solid color stiff and not up along the spine. That way it can be identified.
  • Before the children are hairy canary. Look into their head. For the male is more flattened (flat). For the female is more rounded.
  • Around the age of 6-7 days the kids are starting to open eyes walnuts. If the male then his eyes level with his beak. For the females, the location of the eyes above the beak that causes the head more rounded appearance.
  • When children are fed canary in the nest by its mother. Note the behavior of these children. The highest standing, shouted the loudest and most want to be fed first it means the male. That female legs are shorter so they do not stand tall and hence they are fed less than the male.
  • Age 28-30 days some young canaries seen practicing their voices to sing well. Not the best start singing it that looks best, the birds chirping just like the early practice only.
  • About 5 months or 5 months over 2 weeks, usually male canary colors are brighter. in certain parts of the color is much sharper, especially near the head section. Center of the head on a female canary yellow will be very bright.
  • Had 6 months of age has not caught kalaminnya types, which are mixed among the canary canary canary females then will sit down more due to the lower body structure. And also usually female canaries canary male will fight when they want to practice singing or his voice. Although the females in a condition not being in this time of laying and just want to sing it.

How to choose a good canary :

Canary fighting style based on body shape and condition of the wing where the fighting style canary can be grouped into 3 types.
  • Style open wing down ½ or only down slightly, with only shook his head right-left (which he calls the style of Steve Wonder).
  • Full open style wing down toward the bottom, with the model of fighting as you go along the right and left.
  • Style wings open toward the front, fighting with the model as we go along the right and left.
Style 1, is usually performed by the walnut-whole walnuts with a body that looks out of proportion and, if under normal circumstances / no action, the two wings meet to form crossed scissors and hence, the distance antra wing tip with tail relatively far (not touching). When viewed from the upper body looks like a rectangle with a ratio of length: width = 3:1.
Styles 2, usually carried out by the canary with a proportional body, length and body when viewed from above looks like a rectangle with a ratio of length: width = 4:1; end of the second feather wings parallel to the rear, straight.
Style 3, together with the characteristics of the owner of two styles, denagn differences in wing tip feathers of both wings parallel to the rear but slightly down fall (ngglembreh-Java).

How quickly the sound based on the thickness of canary feathers:
  • Canary with thick fur (which he termed "double coat") tend to be old to be singing to the fullest.
  • Canary with thin hair (which he termed a "feather one") is faster songs sound with maximum performance (Om had Erik, canary 7 month that has been accomplished in three racetrack, thin hairy.
Sooner than canary sound based on the dominant color of hair:
  • Canary that has a dominant bright colors (white, yellow, orange) tend to be old to be singing to the fullest.
  • Canary that has no dominant bright colors (white, yellow, orange) faster songs sound with maximum performance (Om had Erik, canary-colored 7 month bill with the highest color (but do not look dominant) green-yellow.
Strengths and weaknesses based on the thickness of canary feathers:
  • Thick hairy canary / double can carry more songs with twisted sound more clearly than a hairy canary / thin because of the voice brought little ditingkahi style (both wings, and the road right-left).
  • Thin hairy canary is more agile and able to rely on style with gunshots.

Food for canary :
  • Mix grains. The main feed birds is canary seed. But we can provide grain that has been mixed a lot sold in the market.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Canary birds are very fond of vegetables and fruits such as lettuce, leaf lettuce, squash, cucumber, paprica, carrots, apples, pears, corn.
  • Eggs and Kroto. In certain circumstances, the second feed is urgently needed to support the growth, vitality organ functions canaries.
  • Pickles. To meet the need of calcium, these birds need extra calcium intake. Cuttlefish bone can be given to complete the required calcium needs.
  • Dry bread. Besides the above fond of feed-feed, bird Walnuts also like dry bread (do not give dry bread that has a salt content and high sugar).

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