
pictures :  lovebird , cucakrowo, cendet/pentet, kacerbranjangan, anis flowermagpie stone, cucak green, anis red, canary

Lovebird maintained primarily for its beautiful colors of fur. But along with the times and trends of bird sounds contest, the lovebird maintained to create sounds typical lovebird long.
Aside from being a fighter in the arena of chirping birds, lovebird is also very popular as a bird pemaster other birds.

Characteristics lovebird male and female :

a. Body shape. Lovebird females tend to have a stocky body and heavier. However, these criteria are not absolute in nature.

b. Lovebird color males have bright colors that take more than a female lovebird. Nevertheless it is not always true because coat color also depends on the food, climate, and geographical variations.

c. The way female Lovebird perches perches spaced feet wider than the male lovebird.
Differences of male and female on the opening leg (Photo: Repro of Lovebird Books)
d. Lovebird tail female form has a tail with a more flat than in the male lovebird shaped tail slightly pointed.
Differences of male and female tail shape (Photo: Repro of Lovebird Books)
e. Nest building nest to bring up more intensive activities carried out by female rather than male lovebird. Lovebird gnawed out a nest in the branches and stems that are thicker. Female lovebird will megambil bark and collecting it to make a nest, whereas males fed lovebird lovebird female. Namu it is also not absolute as there are male lovebird who is also actively collecting nest material.

f. Tactile on the pubic bone (urang chopsticks). Lovebird has two pubic bones (chopsticks urang) at the hip. In the breeding season, female pubic bone lovebird becomes more elastic and the distance between the two pubic bones are widened due to the influence of hormones. The situation can be felt by hand palpation. In the male lovebird, the distance between the two pubic bones is narrow. Palpability of this technique can only be used when sexual activity with an active female lovebird.

g. Examination by means of laparoscopy to find out the sex lovebird can also be done using laparoscopy tool. Lovebird is to be examined must be anesthetized before sex. After that performed minor surgery on the left side of the bird's body between the ribs, pelvis and femur. From the laparoscopy surgery that included a tool to see the presence or absence of the ovary (ovarian). If there are ovaries the female lovebird is ascertained. This method can only be done if the birds were grown.

h. Examination of DNA Another way to find out the sex of a lovebird is a DNA test that can be obtained from blood or feathers of birds. Once DNA is extracted with a particular solution and further proceedings, then the results are photographed with a Polaroid. If the image is seen two bands then it can be ascertained lovebird androgynous females. However, if seen only one tape, the bias was ascertained male lovebird.

How to choose a good lovebird :
  • Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big, long and looks sturdy.
  • Big-headed. This indicates these birds have a good mental combat.
  • Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height.
  • Should also choose the material that broad-chested.
  • Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Choose a large legs and looks dry. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
  • Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
  • Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.
  • Large eyeball and shining clean. Indicates this bird has a bright prospect when used as bird race. Because it would be very gacor.
Food for lovebird :
  • Mix grains. We can provide grain that has been mixed with a lot sold in the market as the main feed.
  • Fresh vegetables. Lovebird bird is very fond of fresh vegetables like: Watercress, Chicory, Young Corn and other vegetables.
  • Pickles. To meet the need of calcium, these birds need extra calcium intake. Cuttlefish bone can be given to complete the required calcium needs.
  • Extra fooding. Thilee sun flower seeds, seeds Fumayin, Soya beans, seeds Red Beans and Greens acang bijiK highly favored by these birds to complement the needs vitamins, proteins and raise the body temperature and increase metabolism system in his body.

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