
pictures : branjangan, anis flower, magpie stone, cucakrowo, cendet/pentet, lovebird, kacer, cucak green, anis red, canary

branjangan is one of the birds chirping sound that good at imitating other birds, though indeed the voice of reason (the song's original or bird in nature) only consists of three main pieces of songs, namely "tit" "check" or "shoo" and "tar". Branjangan privileges that are not owned by the other birds are singing while hovering abilities (flying in place). In the wild, these birds like to fly by climbing (continued soaring upwards) while singing until out of sight, and suddenly had slid to the ground.

Characteristics branjangan male and female :

Male traits can be seen from the sharp little brown body color and thick fur. Similarly, the color of shiny black beak. If you meet her head-crested birds similar appear somewhat longer and more stout.

Branjangan female fur color is rather dull. Females also have crested, so do not be fooled. The difference is, the shorter-crested females. Volume of his voice equally loud, but the female voice halting and less variation.

To distinguish the sexes branjangan, can also be seen from its beak. In branjangan male, half of the bottom looks white or light while the female is black or black or brown.

How to choose a good branjangan :

characteristics of a good branjangan Among other athletic physical form, the tail and body length, a sharp eye (show fighter), fur soft as silk, while her beak like a bird Wren but slightly bent slightly downward.

Food for branjangan :
  • Voer (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced voer will fit every bird branjangan metabolic system. Voer should always be available within the tube. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
  • EF (Extra fooding), food excellent addition to birds kacer ie: crickets, Kroto, worms, caterpillars hongkong, bamboo worms, caterpillars and other cage. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.
Download branjangan mp3 :

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