
pictures : branjangan, anis flower, magpie stone, cucakrowo, cendet/pentet, lovebird, kacer, cucak green, anis red, canary

branjangan is one of the birds chirping sound that good at imitating other birds, though indeed the voice of reason (the song's original or bird in nature) only consists of three main pieces of songs, namely "tit" "check" or "shoo" and "tar". Branjangan privileges that are not owned by the other birds are singing while hovering abilities (flying in place). In the wild, these birds like to fly by climbing (continued soaring upwards) while singing until out of sight, and suddenly had slid to the ground.

Characteristics branjangan male and female :

Male traits can be seen from the sharp little brown body color and thick fur. Similarly, the color of shiny black beak. If you meet her head-crested birds similar appear somewhat longer and more stout.

Branjangan female fur color is rather dull. Females also have crested, so do not be fooled. The difference is, the shorter-crested females. Volume of his voice equally loud, but the female voice halting and less variation.

To distinguish the sexes branjangan, can also be seen from its beak. In branjangan male, half of the bottom looks white or light while the female is black or black or brown.

How to choose a good branjangan :

characteristics of a good branjangan Among other athletic physical form, the tail and body length, a sharp eye (show fighter), fur soft as silk, while her beak like a bird Wren but slightly bent slightly downward.

Food for branjangan :
  • Voer (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced voer will fit every bird branjangan metabolic system. Voer should always be available within the tube. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
  • EF (Extra fooding), food excellent addition to birds kacer ie: crickets, Kroto, worms, caterpillars hongkong, bamboo worms, caterpillars and other cage. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.
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Anis Flower

pictures : anis flower, branjangan, magpie stone, cucakrowo, cendet/pentet, lovebird, kacer, cucak green, anis red, canary

Anis flower or Zoothera interpres punglor never reach the top of glory far soared above all the birds chirp. anis flower is generally easier to sound, more resistant to stress, more melodic voice, and if equally "so", anis flower almost never stop sound while not in kerodong or placed in a dark place. Compared to other birds, anis flower can have varied songs has a melodious voice color. Although it can be very hard, but not deafening. Differences with the color of the sound of birds chirping other.

Characteristics anis flower male and female :

on the shape and structure of the eye and lids, in contrast to the feathers, how to stand and how ngeriwik. For male anis, generally edged prominent. A male, flat. If the coat color contrast is more assertive, more shiny, believed to be male.

In a male buttock anis flower, also appears there was a black fur or gray squiggly patterns resembling clouds. While anis female flowers, the colors only colored rump feathers, which is white (to light, can be muddy). But to distinguish this kind of coat color can not be applied to choose flowers that are still trotolan anis. For trotolan anise flower, so if ngeriwik with open beak, believed to be male. If only the neck inflated, though loud, is believed to be female.

While judging from the manner or style of the establishment, anis flower males and females tend to be pressed a little leg stretched and slightly bent. For male birds who have lust, if brought near the female he will gore. While females are in heat, when brought near or hear a male singing, will vibrate the wings or opening and closing constantly.

How to choose a good anis flower :
  • Androgynous male, bird characteristics anis-sex male flowers as already mentioned above, or can also be seen from a long posture matching, tail longer, spine and small chopsticks meeting, coat color is more assertive, darker-colored beak, coat color is very firm, large bulging eyes, the shape of the head is larger and moves swiftly.
  • Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material anis flower bird that has a half-bent. Select the position of the nostrils close as possible to the position of the eye.
  • Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being anis flower with a long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height.
  • Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
  • Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
Standing on your head up 45 degrees. Believe it may not, if you get material like this, guaranteed to age 7 months and can already ngerol contested.

Food for anis flower :
  • Voer (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced Voer will fit every bird's metabolic system Anis flower. Voer should always be available within the tube. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
  • Fresh fruit, this bird very fond of fruit Papaya, Banana kepok White, Apples, Pears, Tomatoes and some other fruits. Should multiply the fruit of Papaya, Papaya fruit because it contains a high vitamin C thereby helping to increase endurance. In addition, Papaya fruit is easily digestible and is perfect with an average metabolic systems of fruit-eating birds.
  • EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good for bird Anis Red are: Crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, Worms, Caterpillars Hong Kong, Bamboo Worms, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.

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pictures : cucakrowo, branjangan, anis flower, magpie stone, cendet/pentet, lovebird, kacer, cucak green, anis red, canary

Cucakrowo or cucakrawa is one member of the tribe merbah. Merbah (familia Pycnonotidae) is the warbler tribe of Africa and tropical Asia. These birds mostly have a melodious voice and songs are diverse, often times the forest became quiet by his voice, especially in the mornings and evenings. In English, these birds are known as the bulbuls.

Characteristics cucakrowo/cucakrawa male and female :

Physical Characteristics :

Males: Head rounded, with older colored feathers, it appears there is a kind of feather parts; jaw more white hairs appear clean and bright; backs and wings coat over a gray, black and white stripes more apparent; The tail is longer and fused beak looks stronger and more solid and somewhat shrill thick; black lines under the eyes appear more clearly.

Females: The head is more flat, with lighter-colored fur, and no parts of feathers: Feather jaw more dirty, appear grayish white; black and white stripes are less clear; tail is shorter and a little bit fluffy; Part is more flat and inclined looked more beautiful; black lines under the eyes with a lighter color.

Viewing Behavior and movements :

From the behavior and movements, birds can be seen at once distinguished cucakrawa between males and females. Especially when cucakrawa was benign and his movement have shown there is freedom without fear.

Males: Movement is more aggressive, often jumped, as if challenging and looks bold; jeisnya When you see the opponent as if to seduce and make a move attractive, while if the same type, as if to strike; lot of leg and body movements as if if to lift its tail upward and downward; Head shows peered upward movement with a movement that seems bold and challenging accompanied by loud-pitched whistling call.

Females: Move more slowly and appear smooth; When you see the opposite sex will move their wings a little bit developed. beak open and move my tongue like a child digerak cucakrawa parent who requested fed; he approached a soft voice to voice, lowering her body and the tail slightly lifted upwards; head is often bent or modestly ahead modestly parallel to the spine.

Heard from the voice :

From his voice, the bird can be distinguished cucakrawa sexes, although it is necessary to take time.

Males: More often deliver a dial tone is high, loud and shrill; Many variations of tone and rhythm that is often played; When singing together or in pairs will lead the rhythm of the song.

Females: The voice sounded great and deep, as if he would give answers to the birds singing males; variation is more monotone voice and acted as if only followed; This comparison will be more apparent when the two birds, male and female, were brought near each other sautan bersaut twittering. But there is a female bird that can speak or ropel doble, so in this difficult to choose or decide between males and females.

How to choose a good cucakrowo/cucakrawa :
  • Body posture. Choose a material that berpostur large elongated with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked, short body and small body posture.
  • Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a crooked beak. Select the position of the nostrils close as possible to the position of the eye.
  • Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
  • Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
  • Diligent sound, this indicates that the bird has a bright prospect.
  • Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.

Food for cucakrowo/cucakrawa :

  • Voer (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced Voer will fit every bird's metabolic system Cucak Rowo. Voer the complementary nutritional requirements. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
  • Fresh fruit, this bird very fond of fruit Papaya, Banana kepok White, Apples, Pears, Tomatoes and some other fruits. Should multiply the fruit of Papaya, Papaya fruit because it contains a high vitamin C thereby helping to increase endurance. In addition, Papaya fruit is easily digestible and is perfect with an average metabolic systems of fruit-eating birds.
  • EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good are: Crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, Hongkong caterpillar, caterpillar Bamboo, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.

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pictures : kacer, cucakrowo, cendet/pentet, lovebird, branjangan, anis flower, magpie stone, cucak green, anis red, canary

Kacer or Magpie Robin is popular in Indonesia at this time there are two types, namely black kacer often called kacer Java and kacer pot or kacer lifeboat which is often called kacer sumatra. Striking differences were only in black and white coat color. 
kacer java black hairy chest all until near the cloaca, while kacer black pot just until the chest and down to the cloaca is white.

Characteristics kacer male and female :
  • Physically, male and female birds are easily distinguished primarily kacer grown. In males, black feathers on the head and chest glossy, while the female is gray.
  • As for age trotolan, then the black tinge to the male was seen even though only one of two feathers, while females only trotolan dark or black color tends to fade gray.
How to choose a good kacer :
  • If the option to chirp, of course, the androgynous male, with a characteristic black coat color and contrast strongly shiny.
  • Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a crooked beak. Select the position of the nostrils close as possible to the position of the eye.
  • Box-shaped head, big round eyes and glared. This indicates these birds have a good mental combat .
  • Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height.
  • Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Choose the big feet and look dry. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
  • Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
  • Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.
Food for kacer :
  • Voer (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced voer will fit every bird kacer metabolic system. Voer should always be available within the tube. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
  • EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good for birds kacer ie: crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, worms, caterpillars hongkong, bamboo caterpillar, caterpillar cage, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.
Kacer mbagong :
condition does not fit bird kacer. In order kacer are in fit condition, the intake of food with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that balance must be considered. If birds are too many cumbersome and difficult to recover to a condition fit, meaning the bird is experiencing disefisiensi kacer minerals. The thing to do is provide the sand bath therapy.

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pictures :   cendet/pentet, cucakrowo, kacer, lovebird, branjangan, anis flower, magpie stone, cucak green, anis red, canary

Cendet/Pentet is one of the predatory bird that has a variety of sound field very well. Cendet including favorite birds for the hobbyist who likes the variety of birds that can imitate sounds of other birds. Sound type Cendet the ngerol, tend to dominate other birds babble noise if we bushels in the house together. Compared to other birds, Cendet which could have varied songs (depending on the pattern pemasterannya), has a melodious voice color. Although it can be very hard, but not deafening. Differences with the color of the sound of birds chirping other.

Characteristics cendet male and female :

To distinguish the sex of birds cendet can be done by observing the left and right side of the bird. If on the cheek there was a striking black color, indicating that the androgynous male cendet. For females, the black color looks artificial. Judging from the shape of his head, cendet female usually has a somewhat bloated head. Meanwhile, the males have the head shape is rather flat landscape. To be more definite can be seen in the bird chopsticks. Cendet male birds have small chopsticks long fur is marked with a pattern of irregular lines on the supitnya. In females, a large supitnya with feather motif orderly line like a flower.

How to choose a good cendet :
  • physical : well-built. Wings seem sturdy, neat, symmetrical, and not disabled. Choose a large-headed bird, rounded, and the top flat. Large-headed bird believed to be a smart bird. Note also the shape and size of the beak.
  • appearance : Sharp-eyed and hairy flat and somewhat shiny, nimble movements, anus clean of dirt, as well as right and left balance organs, loud volume, Having a natural talent (mental) is good. No fear when he met with a kind of bird, both when training and contests.
Food for cendet :
    • Voer (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced Voer will fit every bird Cendet metabolic system. Voer should always be available within the tube. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
    • EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good for birds Cendet are: Crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, Worms, Caterpillars Hong Kong, Bamboo Worms, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.
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    pictures :  lovebird , cucakrowo, cendet/pentet, kacerbranjangan, anis flowermagpie stone, cucak green, anis red, canary

    Lovebird maintained primarily for its beautiful colors of fur. But along with the times and trends of bird sounds contest, the lovebird maintained to create sounds typical lovebird long.
    Aside from being a fighter in the arena of chirping birds, lovebird is also very popular as a bird pemaster other birds.

    Characteristics lovebird male and female :

    a. Body shape. Lovebird females tend to have a stocky body and heavier. However, these criteria are not absolute in nature.

    b. Lovebird color males have bright colors that take more than a female lovebird. Nevertheless it is not always true because coat color also depends on the food, climate, and geographical variations.

    c. The way female Lovebird perches perches spaced feet wider than the male lovebird.
    Differences of male and female on the opening leg (Photo: Repro of Lovebird Books)
    d. Lovebird tail female form has a tail with a more flat than in the male lovebird shaped tail slightly pointed.
    Differences of male and female tail shape (Photo: Repro of Lovebird Books)
    e. Nest building nest to bring up more intensive activities carried out by female rather than male lovebird. Lovebird gnawed out a nest in the branches and stems that are thicker. Female lovebird will megambil bark and collecting it to make a nest, whereas males fed lovebird lovebird female. Namu it is also not absolute as there are male lovebird who is also actively collecting nest material.

    f. Tactile on the pubic bone (urang chopsticks). Lovebird has two pubic bones (chopsticks urang) at the hip. In the breeding season, female pubic bone lovebird becomes more elastic and the distance between the two pubic bones are widened due to the influence of hormones. The situation can be felt by hand palpation. In the male lovebird, the distance between the two pubic bones is narrow. Palpability of this technique can only be used when sexual activity with an active female lovebird.

    g. Examination by means of laparoscopy to find out the sex lovebird can also be done using laparoscopy tool. Lovebird is to be examined must be anesthetized before sex. After that performed minor surgery on the left side of the bird's body between the ribs, pelvis and femur. From the laparoscopy surgery that included a tool to see the presence or absence of the ovary (ovarian). If there are ovaries the female lovebird is ascertained. This method can only be done if the birds were grown.

    h. Examination of DNA Another way to find out the sex of a lovebird is a DNA test that can be obtained from blood or feathers of birds. Once DNA is extracted with a particular solution and further proceedings, then the results are photographed with a Polaroid. If the image is seen two bands then it can be ascertained lovebird androgynous females. However, if seen only one tape, the bias was ascertained male lovebird.

    How to choose a good lovebird :
    • Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big, long and looks sturdy.
    • Big-headed. This indicates these birds have a good mental combat.
    • Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height.
    • Should also choose the material that broad-chested.
    • Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Choose a large legs and looks dry. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
    • Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
    • Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.
    • Large eyeball and shining clean. Indicates this bird has a bright prospect when used as bird race. Because it would be very gacor.
    Food for lovebird :
    • Mix grains. We can provide grain that has been mixed with a lot sold in the market as the main feed.
    • Fresh vegetables. Lovebird bird is very fond of fresh vegetables like: Watercress, Chicory, Young Corn and other vegetables.
    • Pickles. To meet the need of calcium, these birds need extra calcium intake. Cuttlefish bone can be given to complete the required calcium needs.
    • Extra fooding. Thilee sun flower seeds, seeds Fumayin, Soya beans, seeds Red Beans and Greens acang bijiK highly favored by these birds to complement the needs vitamins, proteins and raise the body temperature and increase metabolism system in his body.

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